Bio-One Of Oceanside decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Limpieza de Primavera - ¡4 Tips para Renovar tu Hogar!

Limpieza de Primavera - ¡4 Tips para Renovar tu Hogar! Bio-One of Oceanside.

El cielo azul radiante, el florecimiento de la fauna, el entusiasta cantar de los pájaros y, por supuesto… ¡el cambio de temperatura! Estos son los elementos más importantes que nos dan la bienvenida a la Temporada de Primavera, y con ello debe venir una limpieza de verano profunda.

Renovar la casa haciendo una profunda limpieza de primavera es una tradición que las familias americanas han seguido desde hace algunos años ya. Es una ardua pero armoniosa labor que nos permite preparar nuestro hogar para la nueva temporada. Es la perfecta ocasión para guardar los adornos y elementos navideños, tiempo para guardar los sacos y vestimenta de invierno. ¡Hora de salir al patio y preparar el área de Grill para divertirnos afuera! 

Ahora, no es menos cierto que la limpieza de primavera es una tarea que puede resultar abrumadora y desafiante para muchas personas. No todo el mundo asocia la fecha con este tipo de actividades. Nuestro Equipo de Profesionales en Bio-One comparte 4 recomendaciones para limpiar y renovar tu hogar. Basamos nuestras recomendaciones en los lineamientos presentados por la CDC sobre el proceso para remediar estos espacios.

De entrada, debes saber que uno de los problemas más comunes que enfrentan las viviendas por el cambio climático y de temporada, es el moho. También, solemos enfrentar infestaciones por roedores y otros animales que buscan refugio en los lugares más recónditos de nuestra vivienda. 

¡Ten cuidado con los roedores y otras plagas!

Los roedores son portadores de enfermedades muy peligrosas. Desde Salmonella a Fiebre Hemorrágica, estos animales pueden convertirse en plagas cuyo proceso de remediación debe ser atendido con el protocolo más delicado posible. Algunas recomendaciones para mantener tu área de cocina y parrilla libre de orina y heces de roedores (y otras plagas) son:

  • Mantén la comida y comestibles en contenedores resistentes (metal, plástico o vidrio) con tapas seguras que eviten derrames en el área de almacenamiento.
  • Si tienes mascotas, asegúrate que su comida y suplementos estén almacenados apropiadamente. Asimismo, evita dejar comida y agua servidas durante la noche, sobre todo si es una zona oscura, ya que puede atraer este tipo de plagas.
  • Adopta una cultura de limpieza y precaución al utilizar cualquiera de estos espacios. La clave para mantener a los roedores y plagas lejos de nuestro hogar es la limpieza y desinfección -no excesiva- pero sí consciente, de estos espacios. 
  • Utiliza papeleras de reciclaje de material resistente, con tapas seguras y apretadas. Asimismo, saca la basura periódicamente, sin importar el material que sea. Los roedores pueden reposar en plástico, cartón, e incluso madera. 

Lo que puedes hacer

En caso de que tu hogar esté infestado por roedores o cualquier otro tipo de plagas, permite que nuestro Equipo de Profesionales de Bio-One desinfecte y descontamine tu propiedad. La orina y excremento de roedores es portador de muchas enfermedades… ¡Incluso estando seco y expuesto por mucho tiempo!

Presta atención a manchas en las paredes, áreas de la cocina, y en el baño… ¡Podrías estar enfrentando una infección por moho!

Aunque resulte difícil de creer, el moho es causante de muchas enfermedades en los humanos. Los dolores de cabeza, diarrea y síntomas asociados a la gripe están asociados directamente al moho y otra amplia variedad de hongos. Basado en lineamientos de la CDC, presentamos algunas recomendaciones para tratar y eliminar la presencia de moho en tu casa: 

  • Reparar prontamente cualquier filtración de agua en ventanas, techo y tuberías.
  • Después de una inundación, ten la precaución de limpiar muy cuidadosamente los espacios. Asegúrate que las áreas queden tan secas como sea posible.
  • Asegúrate que tu casa tenga suficiente ventilación. Si es necesario, considera añadir ventiladores extractores a las habitaciones y áreas donde pueda haber más humedad (baño, cocina, área de lavado).
  • Mantén los niveles de humedad adecuados: esto puede corregirse con la ayuda de un deshumidificador. La manera de medir los niveles de humedad en una propiedad es utilizando un higrómetro.

Con la ayuda de profesionales en la materia, puedes proteger tu propiedad del moho, especialmente en una limpieza de verano. Es importante mencionar que, una vez que un área ha sido infectada por moho, el único remedio efectivo es remover y reemplazar. Aplica para alfombrado, piso, cerámica, drywall o revestimiento.

Bio-One cuenta con los equipos necesarios para remediar tu hogar o propiedad de moho y sus potenciales consecuencias para la salud. Nos aseguramos de descartar o conservar cualquier artículo, evaluando si está irremediablemente dañado.

La higiene con tus mascotas es la mejor manera de prevenir enfermedades y mantener el hogar organizado

Nuestras mascotas son una parte innegable de la familia. Nos acompañan en los momentos más difíciles y se merecen todo el reconocimiento y amor que mostramos hacia ellos. Es por ello que, mantener sus áreas higienizadas, es parte del cariño y cuidado que debemos tener para con ellos. CDC compartió algunas recomendaciones para hogares con perros, gatos y otras mascotas domésticas. Se resumen en lo siguiente:

  • Las mascotas deben tener su propio espacio para alimentarse y descansar. Estos espacios deberían estar separados del área de cocina y zonas donde las personas consuman alimentos. Ubica su comida y suministros en áreas de fácil acceso y limpieza.
  • Desinfecta los suministros y artículos de tus mascotas fuera de la casa. Por ejemplo, al limpiar la caja de arena de tu mascota (si aplica) asegúrate de hacerlo en un espacio abierto, un espacio con suficiente ventilación y, si es posible, lejos de cualquier zona que esté vinculada a la preparación de alimentos. De igual manera, desinfecta estos artículos regularmente (si es posible, diariamente). 
  • La orina y heces de perros portan parásitos y bacterias que pueden resultar en serias enfermedades para los humanos. Asegúrate de desecharlos en áreas apropiadas.
  • Los niños de cinco años y menores, siempre deben interactuar con las mascotas bajo la supervisión de un adulto. Enséñales no tocarse la cara cuando estén con ellos y a lavar sus manos luego de jugar. Mantén a los pequeños lejos de las áreas de comida e higiene de las mascotas.

Bio-One ha asistido a muchas personas que se han visto abrumadas por la suciedad ocasionada por orina y heces de mascotas, no solamente durante una limpieza de verano, sino en situaciones de emergencia. Estos espacios representan un riesgo biológico para las familias involucradas.

Durante la limpieza de verano… ¡No dejes ni una habitación por fuera!

El propósito de la limpieza de primavera es organizar tus pertenencias y deshacerte de basura y cosas que ya no son necesarias en tu vida. Es una oportunidad para involucrar a la familia, para enseñar a los más pequeños la importancia de una vida organizada. Algunos elementos a tener en cuenta al momento de limpiar:

  • Pon en Práctica el Método de los 4 Contenedores. Organiza tus pertenencias en cuatro categorías: Basura, Para Regalar, Almacenar y Guardar. Aborda cada habitación usando este efectivo método compartido por the spruce… ¡Notarás la diferencia! 
  • Las limpiezas de Primavera son una oportunidad educar a tus pequeños sobre la importancia del orden, e incluso la caridad. Que aprendan que, si bien muchos objetos pueden estar en buen estado, éstos pueden ser de mayor beneficio y utilidad para otras personas.
  • Plantéate metas al momento de organizar: No des la espalda a las áreas más complicadas; por el contrario, mentalízate en organizar primero lo más difícil. El ático, garage y el sótano son zonas que suelen llenarse de basura más facilmente. 
Antes y después de una limpieza de primavera con Bio-One of Oceanside.
Antes y después de una limpieza de primavera con Bio-One of Oceanside.

Si necesitas ayuda para comenzar con la limpieza de verano ¡Estamos aquí!

Bio-One ha ayudado a muchos clientes en momentos difíciles, momentos en los que sus vidas requieren un cambio drástico. Nuestro lema “¡Ayuda Primero, Negocios Después!”  es un fiel testamento del compromiso en asistir en los momentos de mayor necesidad. 

Si necesitas ayuda profesional para la limpieza de primavera en tu hogar, o si alguien cercano a ti está enfrentando una situación difícil por acumulación desmedida de bienes y artículos, puedes llamarnos al 760-429-0729. ¡Estamos disponibles para ti 24/7, los 365 días del año! 

Somos orgullosos miembros activos de la Asociación de Viviendas de Alquiler del Sur de California (Southern California Rental Housing Association) así como las Cámaras de Comercio de Carlsbad, Oceanside, y Vista, respectivamente.

Grief and Loss - Coping with Death after a Traumatic Event - Bio-One of Oceanside.

No one is truly prepared for death. Even if death represents relief to someone who is suffering from an illness, the thought and feeling of emptiness that comes with the reality of not having the presence of that person around anymore isn’t near close to imaginable. Coping with the death of someone you care about is difficult, and the grief and loss process is challenging, especially if the person who died is close to your family core. 

Grief is presented to us as an emotion triggered by the loss of something or someone dear to us. Grieving is not necessarily linked to the loss of a human being; it may be related to the loss of a job, a pet, or a material asset. One thing is certain: the feeling of grief becomes much more palpable when the loss of a loved one, family member, or friend occurs, especially if their death takes place in violent and unexpected circumstances, such as suicides or accidents.

In these cases, dealing with grief is much more difficult because we refuse to accept that someone loses their life like this. We enter a stage of denial, which could make it unbearable not to have that dear person among us. These events are traumatic, and it’s recommended that mourners receive special attention from specialists.

Take as much time as you need to process what has happened.

There is no “right” way of grieving the sudden loss of someone you love. You will face a rollercoaster of emotions: there will be good days and very bad days. Just the thought of living without that special person is hard enough. 

Now, it’s important to allow yourself to feel these emotions during grief and loss: do whatever you need to do to express and vent your feelings. Specialists found that sometimes, talking about the events that happened help, at least, “accepting” the reality, even though you might never understand why it happened. Some things are just beyond our understanding. Don’t feel bad for turning to a friend or family for comfort. It’s in difficult times when you truly see who is close to you, and that’s what family and friends are for. 

In addition to the specialized care that mourners must receive after an event as traumatic as suicide or crime of any kind, it is also important to count on compassionate people, professionals who support you and help you makes this tragedy just a little more bearable. Your health and well-being are our priority for us at Bio-One of Oceanside. Our team is discrete and compassionate, especially in challenging scenarios

It’s OK to feel frightened by the future.

After a traumatic experience, it’s completely normal to feel scared and uncertain about the future. When you lose someone with whom you shared projects and aspirations, it can be difficult to accept the reality of their absence and move on without them.

Suddenly, your world, the one you used to feel safest at, is an uncertain place to even think about being part of. Know this: the feeling of fear is normal after a traumatic experience. It’s important to identify the most common symptoms that are related to the fear of the future: headaches, back pain, feelings of panic, and anxiety. 

Your emotions are valid.

You can’t expect to go back to the world where you used to feel secure. For all you know, that’s the place where disaster and tragedy struck. That said, you can feel confident about one thing: the world was the same as it is now. You didn’t know it yet. Now, you are more mature and understand that even though times can be extremely difficult, you can live in it, relying on the people who love and care for you. 

If you ever feel overwhelmed by grief and loss, exhausted, and can’t bear to be in this new reality that life has put you through, don’t feel ashamed to turn to a mental health professional. Humans are full of complex emotions; sometimes, you must turn to someone who helps us understand everything better.

If you are religious, hold as tight as you can to your beliefs, talk to your pastor or priest… talk to anyone who can provide you with comforting words of wisdom. As we mentioned before, some things are just beyond our understanding, but it’s always important to know that we can find peace in our faith, regardless of our religion. It’s what ultimately will provide us with the strength to carry on, to be… somewhat prepared for the unexpected.

Helpful tips from Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc. (TIP) on Coping after a Traumatic Event.

Facing life after experiencing a traumatic event is not easy. The truth is, you have to learn how to live despite the absence of your loved one, and it’s an everyday process. Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1985. TIP of San Diego shared a Resource Guide on Helping Citizens in Crisis. 

Bio-One is here for you.

Our Team at Bio-One of Oceanside understands the challenges of facing a traumatic experience. Our main goal is to genuinely support you and your loved ones during these difficult times. In coping with a family member's death due to a traumatic experience, our team is specialized in leaving the place where violent events occurred, free of all evidence of a struggle and disturbance.

Our Team at Bio-One of Oceanside is prepared to face these situations and show solidarity with you. We understand your painful situation, and we are willing to collaborate to make the process of traumatic events a little more bearable. 

If you are facing a difficult situation, trust us, and let us help you. Bio-One specializes in all types of cleaning: traumatic death, homicide, suicide, and more.

Coping with grief and loss after a traumatic event. Bio-One of Oceanside.
You can access and download the TIP of San Diego - Resource Guide here

Independently Owned & Operated!

Bio-One of Oceanside is the  #1 Disinfection, Sanitation, and Decontamination Company in North San Diego County, providing professional, industry standards services in all kinds of extreme scenarios:

Recovery Services

  • Crime scene cleanup services
  • Trauma scene cleaning services
  • Blood and biohazard cleaning services
  • Undiscovered or unattended death cleaning services
  • Homicide/Suicide cleaning services
  • Feces and bodily fluids cleaning services
  • Mold remediation services
  • Water damage restoration services
  • Emergency vehicle decontamination services
  • Fentanyl cleanup services
  • Medical waste disposal services
  • Tear gas cleaning services
  • Sewage backup cleaning services

Hoarding cleanup services

  • Hoarding cleanup
  • Animal hoarding cleanup
  • Gross filth cleanup
  • Deep clean
  • Junk removal
  • Homeless encampment clean-out
  • Hazardous waste disposal
  • Nicotine stain/odor removal
  • Odor removal


Bio-One of Oceanside springs into action to assist survivors when a traumatic event occurs. We work with local law enforcement, emergency responders, victim advocacy organizations, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, and insurance companies to ensure that you receive the greatest service feasible.

We are proudly serving North San Diego and surrounding communities! 

Bio-One is a proud member of the Southern California Rental Housing Association and Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista Chambers of Commerce. Bio-One serves all of San Diego County and neighboring regions, including Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, and Bonsall.

We also serve the Southern Orange County cities: San Clemente, Dana Point, Rancho Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Ladera Ranch, San Juan Capistrano, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Woods, Laguna Beach, Lake Forest, Rancho Santa Margarita, Irvine, and Costa Mesa.

Our services are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Give us a call at 760-429-0729.

Helping Seniors - 4 Tips for Creating a Safe Environment - Bio-One of Oceanside.

Helping seniors is a rewarding job, but it also implies responsibility and proper education on the matter. Many seniors enjoy spending their peaceful time in the house they’ve always lived in. However, their time in that space can be compromised when certain health conditions interfere.

Living with a senior can be overwhelming if there’s no attention to specific details that might affect their well-being. Whether you turn to an Aging Life Care Professional or, by any circumstance, you are the only person who can take care of a senior. We share four tips for helping seniors and creating a safer environment for them.

These recommendations will help you and your loved one have a safe living environment, considering the physical and mental health of the people involved.

Provide safety in the bathroom area, avoiding falling hazards.

Falls are the most common cause of injuries for seniors. Many elderly patients have the blessing of reaching a certain age while enjoying a healthy mental condition. Sometimes, however, the physical condition is not at the same level, and it’s important to fix everything you can to maintain the physical condition as optimum as possible. 

  • Focus on fixing water-related issues in the bathroom area. This is one of the most dangerous spaces for seniors to fall or suffer an injury (besides the Kitchen area).
  • Provide safety in these areas by installing adequate features: railing, anti-slip flooring, comfortable space for walkers or wheelchairs, and good lighting.
  • Consider making arrangements for the faucet and bathroom set, adjusting them to their needs (height of the bathroom sink and toilet, comfortable shower area, and easy-to-use faucet).

Keep your loved one away from the kitchen area, and provide safety if it’s impossible to do so.

The kitchen area might be dangerous if there isn’t proper safety. Our best recommendation for helping seniors is to keep the elderly away from the kitchen. However, we understand the difficulties of telling grandma that she can no longer cook something special for the grandchildren when they visit.

Now, whether the senior lives alone or your loved one can’t stay away from the kitchen, we recommend the following: 

  • Make sure there’s always proper ventilation and fix lighting issues: keep as bright, fresh, and clear as possible. 
  • Keep the gas cylinder outside the property at all times and pay constant attention to the escape valves. 
  • Protect the countertop area with the proper material to avoid sharp edges.

Provide safety in the bedroom area! 

Many elderly patients most of their time in the bedroom, sleeping and resting. The best thing you can do is create an environment that allows them to move comfortably around the space. 

  • Good lighting is key. Install nightstand lamps, ones that are easy to switch on/off. 
  • If it’s possible, try to maintain the bedroom area properly ventilated. This will keep the area fresh and free of odors and smells.
  • Proper room furniture: make sure they have an orthopedic mattress adjusted to their needs. Also, an ergonomic armchair or rocking chair will ensure comfortable and safe postures and an ache-free rest.

Avoid staircases and steps, and keep seniors on the ground floor area.

Inevitable modifications need to be made when living with a senior. One of them is distributing the house to fit their needs best. The ultimate goal is to avoid falls and accidents. Here are our recommendations for helping seniors with this issue:

  • Consider creating an open-space concept for your house where your loved ones can move around easily, especially if they use a cane, walker, or wheelchair.
  • Ideally, you would want to keep the area flat and steps-free, but we understand that re-structuring the living space can be challenging and expensive. We recommend marking steps and slopes around the house, sometimes, they can forget about them, and the consequences can be fatal!

In some cases, seniors prefer to live alone, and if their mental and physical condition is not too deteriorated, they will most likely continue to do it. It’s also possible that no one can stay with them 24/7. What can you do when someone you love is reluctant to have a person assist them daily or live in a community space, like a Homecare Facility?

What you can do to help:

  • Visit them regularly: If you live nearby, take some time to stop by after work and spend some time with them on a Sunday. If they have pets, keep an eye on the pet waste situation to ensure they are not overwhelmed, and the home is safe and clean.   
  • If you can’t visit them regularly, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a friend or neighbor.  The idea is to keep an eye on hygiene and the overall condition of the areas we mentioned above. The best way to avoid an accident is prevention.
  • Try to stay in touch with them, whether it’s via phone call, video call, messaging… any channel that allows you to communicate with them and check on everything.

If you’re looking for an Assisted Living Facility in the Oceanside/North San Diego area, we can recommend Oceanside Hills Senior Living, Pacifica Senior Living Oceanside, Las Villas de Carlsbad, and Brookdale Oceanside. All of these facilities are members of the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce.

Bio-One is here for you

Bio-One provides effective care on services like cleanup and disinfection, hoarding cleanup, medical waste disposal, rodent droppings, feces/urine cleanup, gross filth cleaning, and more. We are prepared to take on any situation, no matter how extreme it might be! We have experience helping seniors and customers in their most difficult times of need.

Here’s the story of Alesia, an Aging Life Care Manager who needed an urgent hoarding cleanup for her client. We responded promptly and let her know that they were in good hands:

Bio-One of Oceanside - Customer testimonial.

Independently Owned & Operated!

Bio-One of Oceanside is the  #1 Disinfection, Sanitation, and Decontamination Company in North San Diego County, providing professional, industry standards services in all kinds of extreme scenarios:

Recovery Services

  • Crime scene cleanup services
  • Trauma scene cleaning services
  • Blood and biohazard cleaning services
  • Undiscovered or unattended death cleaning services
  • Homicide/Suicide cleaning services
  • Feces and bodily fluids cleaning services
  • Mold remediation services
  • Water damage restoration services
  • Emergency vehicle decontamination services
  • Fentanyl cleanup services
  • Medical waste disposal services
  • Tear gas cleaning services
  • Sewage backup cleaning services

Hoarding cleanup services

  • Hoarding cleanup
  • Animal hoarding cleanup
  • Gross filth cleanup
  • Deep clean
  • Junk removal
  • Homeless encampment clean-out
  • Hazardous waste disposal
  • Nicotine stain/odor removal
  • Odor removal


Bio-One of Oceanside springs into action to assist survivors when a traumatic event occurs. We work with local law enforcement, emergency responders, victim advocacy organizations, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, and insurance companies to ensure that you receive the greatest service feasible.

We have been an independently owned and operated business since August 2020 to help our community through difficult and unexpected situations. Our certified technicians are caring, compassionate, and discreet, and we are ready to help you in your most significant time of need.

We are proudly serving North San Diego and surrounding communities! 

Bio-One is a proud member of the Southern California Rental Housing Association and Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista Chambers of Commerce. Bio-One serves all of San Diego County and neighboring regions, including Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, and Bonsall.

We also serve the Southern Orange County cities: San Clemente, Dana Point, Rancho Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Ladera Ranch, San Juan Capistrano, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Woods, Laguna Beach, Lake Forest, Rancho Santa Margarita, Irvine, and Costa Mesa.

Our services are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Give us a call at 760-429-0729.

Common Hoarding Symptoms and How to Rejuvenate Your Home! - Bio-One of Oceanside.

If you haven’t heard about hoarding symptoms and how it can affect you, your house, or your family, we will shed light on this topic since it’s been more recurring these past decades, especially this last year. 

The new year represents an opportunity to start over! It certainly wasn’t an easy year, but we’re sure the difficulties we’ve endured through 2020 will become a joy for this year. Many of us have probably spent more time in our homes… more than what we would have planned, at least!

The truth is… we have come a long way. Understandably, you might have gotten yourself full of things you thought you would need, given the circumstances and the uncertain times we went through in 2020. 

You might not be aware of it, but accumulated clothing, bags, newspapers, and junk tend to come from pathologies and illnesses like anxiety, depression, and social disability. Most of these pathologies, however, are related to hoarding disorder.

We’re hoping to be someone you can trust if you feel related to what we’re describing at all.

Definition and Common Hoarding Symptoms

A hoarder is a person that accumulates excessive amounts of junk, groceries, newspapers, bags of old clothing, and, overall, elements that don’t necessarily have a reason to be there or have any use whatsoever. 

For hoarders, these elements have a strong value, not only emotionally but also physically, economically, and sometimes even legally. They think that keeping all items possible would spare the distress that drifts from parting with them, which results in the problem of accumulating items.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America listed the common symptoms of someone who hoards:

  • The person is unable to throw away items and possessions.
  • When confronted about the items and the possibility of discarding them, the person deals with anxiety and distress.
  • Items have affected the individual’s personal and active living space to the point that they cannot move around or the items completely obstruct it.
  • The person suffers from obsessive and compulsive thoughts, such as the fear of losing or running out of an item, which results in accumulating more items.
  • The person feels embarrassment and discomfort around others. He or she tends to distance himself from anyone who might confront them or about the possibility of discarding items and possessions.

If any of these hoarding symptoms resonate with you or a loved one, Bio-One can help

Hoarding is not something to feel embarrassed about. Each person copes with situations differently. We are here for you! Bio-One of Oceanside provides industry-leading hoarding cleanup, and we can help you decide to improve your life, not only for yourself but for the people around you.

Now would be a good time to look into some of the purchases you’ve probably made while feeling uncertain about everything that has been going on this last year. We want to help you get your life and your home back on track! 

If you need a hoarding cleanup or if you know someone who might be going through a hoarding disorder, we are here for you!

Hoarding cleanup, before and after.
Hoarding cleanup, before and after.

Independently Owned & Operated!

Bio-One of Oceanside is the  #1 Disinfection, Sanitation, and Decontamination Company in North San Diego County, providing professional, industry standards services in all kinds of extreme scenarios:

Recovery Services

  • Crime scene cleanup services
  • Trauma scene cleaning services
  • Blood and biohazard cleaning services
  • Undiscovered or unattended death cleaning services
  • Homicide/Suicide cleaning services
  • Feces and bodily fluids cleaning services
  • Mold remediation services
  • Water damage restoration services
  • Emergency vehicle decontamination services
  • Fentanyl cleanup services
  • Medical waste disposal services
  • Tear gas cleaning services
  • Sewage backup cleaning services

Hoarding cleanup services

  • Hoarding cleanup
  • Animal hoarding cleanup
  • Gross filth cleanup
  • Deep clean
  • Junk removal
  • Homeless encampment clean-out
  • Hazardous waste disposal
  • Nicotine stain/odor removal
  • Odor removal


Bio-One of Oceanside springs into action to assist survivors when a traumatic event occurs. We work with local law enforcement, emergency responders, victim advocacy organizations, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, and insurance companies to ensure that you receive the greatest service feasible.

We have been an independently owned and operated business since August 2020 to help our community through difficult and unexpected situations. Our certified technicians are caring, compassionate, and discreet, and we are ready to help you in your most significant time of need.

We are proudly serving North San Diego and surrounding communities! 

Bio-One is a proud member of the Southern California Rental Housing Association and Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Vista Chambers of Commerce. Bio-One serves all of San Diego County and neighboring regions, including Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, Fallbrook, Escondido, San Marcos, and Bonsall.

We also serve the Southern Orange County cities: San Clemente, Dana Point, Rancho Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Ladera Ranch, San Juan Capistrano, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Woods, Laguna Beach, Lake Forest, Rancho Santa Margarita, Irvine, and Costa Mesa.

Our services are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Give us a call at 760-429-0729.